The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory Welcomes the Defenders of Justice

Oct 5, 2022 | by Brad Rowland

The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory Welcomes the Defenders of Justice

By: Brad Rowland

 The USA Southern Territory publicly welcomed the Defenders of Justice session of cadets on Saturday, September 10 at the Atlanta Temple Corps. The welcome stood alongside the installation of new territorial leaders, Commissioners Kelly and Donna Igleheart (see accompanying story), with a warm greeting for 14 individuals with a burgeoning commitment to officership. 

"Today is a very special reason to be able to celebrate," said Colonel Ralph Bukiewicz, chief secretary. "God always provides leaders for His church, and today we are going to be celebrating a whole variety of leaders. We are going to be celebrating and welcoming those who are training to become spiritual leaders who will eventually serve in a corps, a community, an area, a division, and within the territory." 

The 14 cadets of the Defenders of Justice session bring with them five children. Nine are first-generation Salvationists, with an average age of 36 and an age range of 24-57. They bring varied backgrounds, including degrees of higher education in fields including social work, psychology, sociology, and business. Captain Jervonne Hinton, territorial candidates secretary, expressed the excitement of the territory in welcoming the cadets with vigor. 

"What a joy and privilege it is, on behalf of the candidates department and the Southern Territory, to present to you today an outstanding group of 14 committed women and men who have joined their fellow cadets from around the world as the Defenders of Justice session," Captain Hinton said. "These followers of Christ have responded to God's call and come from the four corners of the territory to win souls and to serve others as officers in The Salvation Army… God has prepared this session in many ways for the service as officers through their journeys of faith, life experiences, education, occupations, and corps involvement. Today, it is my pleasure to introduce to you these fine men and women and tell you a little bit about who they are." 

As part of the public welcome, the session flag entered to the backdrop of "My All is on the Altar," penned by Morley Calvert. Captain Bryan Farrington presented the flag to Commissioner Kelly Igleheart. Before handing the flag to Major Anthony Juliana, president of Evangeline Booth College and principal of the School for Officer Training, Commissioner Igleheart spoke on the power of The Salvation Army flag and the symbolism of the session flag and what it represents. 

"Today, this particular flag has on it the Defenders of Justice session name. It calls them to unity. From the Rio Grande to the mighty Mississippi to the Potomac River in the East, these cadets have come from all across our territory. They are united, and they come together under a common bond. That bond is a calling, a calling placed upon them as Salvationists and soldiers and soon-to-be officers of the Southern Territory and our Army." 

Cadets from both sessions at the Evangeline Booth College combined for a spoken word presentation of "I'll Fight," based on General William Booth's final speech. This was followed by the cadets ministering in music with the session song of "God of Justice," which featured the plea for God to "fill us up, send us out" and a lyrical challenge to the incoming session that permeated the afternoon. 

We must go, live to feed the hungry 

Stand beside the broken, we must go 

Stepping forward keep us from just singing 

Move us into action, we must go. 

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